Compression members (6.2.4)

When a steel member is subjected to compression then

Stocky (thick) memberSlender (thin) member
slenderness $\bar{\lambda} > 0.2$
failure may occur by compressive yielding rather than bucklingmember is exposed to buckling; buckling has to be evaluated

If the member is not thin (not suspectible to the buckling) the assessment is

$$ \begin{equation} N_{Ed} \le N_{c,Rd}, \end{equation} $$

where $N_{Ed}$ is design normal force from load, $N_{c, Rd}$ is design resistance to uniform compression force:

$$ \begin{equation} N_{c,Rd} = \frac{A f_y}{\gamma_{M0}}. \end{equation} $$

The holes for a compression member do not need to be considered if they are filled with fasteners (bolts, rivets, ..).

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